WRA Website Analytics

Reference period is previous month (10 March 2023)

Total Visitors is 1021 (+53.30% increase on last month)

This evaluation shows how many visitors accessed your website. Visitors are uniquely identified on the basis of the IP address and the browser ID. If a visitor goes to your website more than once a day, only one visitor is counted.

This evaluation shows the number of sessions. A session starts when a visitor accesses your website and ends when he or she leaves it. A session ends automatically after 30 minutes without activity. If a visitor goes to your website more than once a day, multiple sessions are counted.

This evaluation shows how often the pages of your website are visited. Only pages that contain text and were fully loaded are counted. Impressions of linked images, videos or other elements (such as scripts or style sheets) are not counted.

This evaluation shows the average amount of time the sessions lasted.